Leading up to the premiere of The World Got Smaller: The Spirit of The Guild During COVID-19, we'll be featuring students, residents, staff, and parents interviewed in the film on our blog. This week, we sat down with Nathalie Etame, Residential Manager of Sudbury House.


Can you begin by telling us what your current role is and how long you've been with The Guild?

I'm a Residential Manager, and I've been working at The Guild since 2017.

What do you enjoy about your role?

As a Residential Manager, when I've had a real, tangible impact on an individual's life and health, I feel a sense of pride in my work. That is one of the most rewarding parts of the job.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your day-to-day job responsibilities?

The number one challenge has been staffing. The workload has risen because we've had to cover for co-workers who have had to self-quarantine or isolate, and it can be tough to get new staff in the door quickly. Despite this, my co-workers bring a high level of commitment and pride in their roles.

What do you hope for the future as the pandemic continues to affect daily life?

I would love to see the individuals and their friends start having in-person interactions with no restrictions again. It has been a tough time for each and every one of us, but it's getting better.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Sometimes, I enjoy lying on the couch and reading a book or watching a movie. I learned to listen to my body, and when it demands rest, I give it to it. I also volunteer as a crisis counselor. I enjoy socializing, meeting friends, and going to church on weekends. 


The World Got Smaller: The Spirit of The Guild during COVID-19 will premier on Wednesday, March 16th, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. Register for this virtual event here!