Life after The Guild

Life after The Guild may include a full-time day program, services from adult organizations, adult residential services, supported living arrangements or less-restrictive environments.

The Guild strives to have students’ transition goals be based on their strengths, preferences, interests and needed levels of support.

  • Post-secondary activities

    Equipping students with the skills required for a successful transition to post-secondary activities is a team effort that is discussed in a student’s annual Individual Education Plan (IEP) team meeting. Whenever possible, the student is part of the process. Parents, guardians and outside service providers, such as Department of Developmental Services case managers, are also important members of the team. From The Guild, all of the faculty and staff who know and work with the student contribute to transition planning.

    The transition coordinator plays a pivotal role in this transition, serving as the link between The Guild and the post-secondary world of adult services. If students need to visit programs or residences to find an appropriate match or to become more familiar with the selected location, the transition coordinator will schedule and accompany the student on these important visits.

  • Less-restrictive environments

    The Guild is always pleased when students make the progress necessary to transition back home and/or to a less-restrictive educational setting. Of course, this step requires careful planning and is taken only with the involvement of the student’s family or guardian.

    The Guild will share with the student’s family or guardian, staff at the new school and community-based providers the strategies and methodologies that were used to aid the student’s skill acquisition.

    As a Department of Children and Families (DCF) Caring Together partner, the Individual Education Plan (IEP) team will look at the needed wrap-around services required to support DCF students through the transition.


Transition Services Team

Suzanne Gustafson

Transition Coordinator